Saturday, July 14, 2007

Charlotte's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

That would be Monday, and it actually only started badly. When I got to my car to leave for work, I had the delightful surprise of a broken side window and a bunch of missing stuff. I'm still steamed.

Did you know it costs $181 to put a new window in a Breeze? Geez.

I filed a police report, which one can easily do online these days. I remember years ago when my purse was stolen out of my car in front of the nursery school, a couple of officers actually came to the house to take my report. Times have certainly changed.

I also sent a letter to all the pawn shops in town with a copy of my police report and descriptions and pictures (where possible) of everything I could think of (of any value) that was missing. At least this way, I don't feel quite so powerless. Maybe I'll get something back. Maybe. Hopefully.

What I feel most badly about is I had some special jewelry in a bag (along with some clothes) in the car. I was bringing it from one place to the other, left it in the front seat because I had too much too carry, and meant to go right back out for it. Got distracted by something and forgot. Durn! Double Durn! And it's a royal pain to have lost my planner, too.

On the bright side, somebody else lost their car from that parking lot the very same night. Could have been way worse.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

A little on the warm side...

Actually, today is much cooler than a few days ago. I think we topped out around 108, and today's supposed to be somewhere in the 90s. I just washed the dog and the car, though, and I'm personally as hot as I've been all week. Nothing like working out in the sun to break a sweat! I doubt if it's even up to 80 yet.

I've been going through old school photos -- some of my high school friends and I have been trying to figure out who everybody is in the class photos. Here's a cute one of me (fourth grade):