Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Happy Half-Birthday to Me!

Yesterday, there was big, big luncheon next door of red hat ladies. I've never seen so much purple before! Every inch of parking space (and then some!) was filled up. At lunch, I ran an errand for one of my girls (you know who you are), and as I was leaving I was thinking, "Great! Not only am I giving up my lunch, now I'm losing my parking space!" Amazingly enough, however, my parking-space gift came through, and I found a spot right out in front of my building when I came back. It was probably the only one open in the entire winery!

I found out (from my mother) that my Kindergarten teacher just celebrated her 90th birthday. Since I remember that she was really old when she was my teacher, I was amazed to find out she's still alive!

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