Saturday, October 08, 2005

A new record low...

Today, I was honked at for stopping at a green light because an ambulance with full lights and sirens was oncoming. It's bad enough that turn signal use is at a record low -- now this! Grrrr.

I got my contact lens challenge straightened out. My "near" lens is now corrected for mid-vision, instead of close. I couldn't focus on a computer screen or read music the way it was before! I can cope with having to strain a bit to read fine print.

I went to Sears today and ordered bifocal glasses with blended lenses for $97 (thanks for pointing me in their direction, Jeannette!), and 12 sets of contact lenses. I now have some astigmatism in one eye, so that contact lens (toric?) costs about double what the other costs. If I use them as daily wear, each pair is good for two weeks. They can be worn continuously for one week, but I really don't care for that wood chip feeling one gets in the morning waking up with dry lenses.

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