Sunday, April 01, 2007

My dad just can't win...

My mom was talking earlier today about how she wants to weigh herself because she's been trying to gain weight and is wondering how she's doing. Not too longer after that, my dad was helping her up to her walker and said to her, "You're getting heavier!"

So ... being female ... my mom put on her very best hurt face and hurt voice and said, "I guess I'll just stop eating, then!"

Which brings us around to the best answer to the question "Do I look fat?":

"Do I look stupid?"


Anonymous said...

I love it! Such a typical male / female scenerio. Your poor dad. If he drinks......maybe now would be a good time to pour him one!
Cyndy (AVHS 1975)

Charlotte said...

Too true!

kolors said...

ha! I can totally see Grandma doing that...