Sunday, April 01, 2007

Wonderful evening!

I had a terrific time yesterday evening getting together with some of my high school classmates. It was great having time to chat and catch up on what's going on in everyone's life. I'm looking forward to the next event -- beach party, this summer! (note to self: increase gym time)

My mom is still holding on. She was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's, in addition to the other zillion things she's struggling with. I tease her that she gets half her calories from pills! It does seem as though she takes one step forward, then two steps back. She and my dad will never be able to live alone again -- she needs more care than he can handle by himself.

I had a chance to check on my folks' house. I started looking at it with an eye to selling. It'll just have go "as is." It needs way too much work. The next step will be convincing my dad it's time. Somehow I've got to make him think it's his idea...


Anonymous said...

Oh Charlotte,
Yet another topic we have in common. After my mom passed, my dad refused to leave the home they shared for 45 years. It was only after he passed were we able to sell. What a profit! Considering they bought in 1959!!!!

Cyndy (AVHS 1975)

Charlotte said...

My folks bought theirs in 1962 -- for $17,000! I remember I had to jump up and down to see what was on the kitchen counters, and it seemed absolutely enormous after the 35' single-wide trailer we'd moved out of. I still had to share a bedroom, but it was just with my sister, instead of both my sister and brother as it was in our trailer.

My folks graduated from college in 1958, so it's amazing they were able to save up a down payment in such a short period of time. I guess living in a trailer park kept our expenses low!