It's beginning to seem a bit like Christmas! I'm bothered by all the Christmas hype beginning before Halloween, even though I really do understand retailers trying to stretch the season as far as possible. It's called mixed feelings. I started playing my Christmas music at my desk today to get into the spirit. Once Thanksgiving ends, I'm ready to think Christmas.
Little Jem is so adorable. He tried to give his mother a "time out" a few nights ago. I guess he puts Lucy into timeout nightly. She absolutely loves him! I was worried about how she'd get along with him, but I guess she really needed her own little boy. He definitely loves having his own dog! He climbs all over her, and she just revels in the attention. He brushes her and tells his mom when she needs to go out. They have a terrific time together.
The whole sewer project is beginning to come together. I bought the permit yesterday (>$3800!!!) and delivered it to our contractor. We had a plumber look over the interior, and there are a few really weird things. The laundry area in the garage drains into the pipes under the shower in the corner bathroom. Which beats draining outside, which it used to do. We're going to have to have a 2" drain line put in, because that's totally not to code. It looks like there are pipes in place to actually bring the laundry into the end of the kitchen, instead. Jerm can put in a 220 line there - hey Jerm! How about just moving the 220 from the front bedroom into the laundry room? Does that make sense?
I don't remember how or why the kitchen sink begain draining outside. Did you know that thingy was made so one can access a clogged drain? It was never meant to actually be the drain. Once we're hooked to the sewer, I'll get our plumber to fix it properly.