Sunday, December 09, 2007

What a difference ten years makes!

One drawback to going through old papers and stuff is all the cool distracting stuff one finds. I love this picture of the cousins. Lizzie 9, Alex 6, Gilbert 5, Catherine 4, Fallon 3. March 18, 1990.

Back row: Daddy Bob, Wayne, Brother Bob.
Front row: Kim, Nancy, Me (with Lizzie in the oven). August 24, 1980.

This must have been taken at Grace and Herschel's anniversary party. Who remembers the day I ate my brother, my husband, my brother-in-law, and my sister-in-law's brother under the table? I still remember their looks of amazement when I went back for thirds!


Jeannette said...

Everybody has changed quite a bit since then, that's for sure.

Charlotte said...

Daddy was younger then than we are now. That's a sobering thought!