Friday, May 23, 2008

Cold Panic...

One of our facilities was selected for a random wall-to-wall by Cal/OSHA earlier this week (lucky us!), and the inspector gave us quite the laundry list of documents he wants to see. One of the many things my manager asked me to pull together was the Forms 300 and 300A, current year and previous four years.

I pulled out our trusty Form 300 binder, which goes clear back to 1987, and I DIDN'T HAVE 2004 or 2005 for that facility. So, of course, I went through the binder over and over and over, page by page by page, hoping they'd just been misfiled. Then I started going through every piece of paper in my office, all the while thinking "ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod..." And I kept waking up last night with the same thing running through my head, over and over and over.

Finally, this morning, I turned to my manager and said, "We may have a problem. I can't find 2004 or 2005." And he says...

"Oh, yeah! Glenn was taking care of those, then. They should have them over there."

Jeez Louis. I think I just aged about 10 years in the past two days.


Jeannette said...

Wouldn't it have been nice to leave a note in the notebooks where they should have been? Did you feel more like punching or hugging at the moment of revelation?

Charlotte said...

I ended up having to reconstruct them, anyway. The dude (Glenn) left the company a couple of years ago, and nobody could find those particular files.