Friday, November 26, 2010

Between a rock and a hard place

I went to breakfast at Mimi's this morning, and as I was leaving, I walked past a group of 10 or 12 people mingling in the parking lot. One gentleman was off to the side on his cell phone, and I heard him say something like, "What brand is on the unit?" So I figured he was working.

Then a young man in the group said something like, "He's always on the damn phone," which the first man appeared not even to hear. I felt badly for the first man who appeared to be trying to move ahead in his job, close a deal, build a business - maybe create a legacy - and was getting no respect or appreciation of his hard work from his family.

As I got into my car, I flashed onto an episode that occurred back in my 20s. At the time, I was working full time as a secretary, and giving music lessons and taking in typing in the evenings. Just trying to make ends meet, somehow, and not very successfully.

I was talking with my husband and tried to bounce an idea off him of yet another way to make extra money (I've forgotten what the idea was), and he promptly accused me of being a "money grubber."

Now, I was just trying to create some comfort and security for our young family, and was also trying to find a way that I could be the one to stay home with our children instead of him, so I was completely blind-sided by his reaction. It still both hurts and angers me when I think about it!

In hindsight, that was a huge red flag of something seriously wrong in our relationship. I wanted safety and security and the knowledge we'd always be able to put food on the table. He saw himself as part of the "moneyed" class (without an inheritance!), and anyone who had to dirty their hands with work was low class and contemptible.

Basically, he wanted adventure and excitement and as little responsibility as possible. And since I was working hard and long so he could have some approximation of what he wanted, I was unworthy of respect.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

This year flew by!

I see my last post was a year ago! I'm amazed that our little Zeke is nearly a year old.

I will probably cheat and add in some pre-dated posts - of my last couple of trips, anyway!

Tons of changes since my last post. My position was eliminated right before my big trip to Peru and Ecuador. Sort of cast a big cloud over the trip, but I did my best to put it out of my mind as much as possible.

I accepted a much lower level position at the winery, and have managed to come back financially at least part way. The most frustrating thing is I'm still doing the same job as before, just for a lot less money. My position is being moved to another division and I'm viewing it as an excellent opportunity to move forward again.

My girls are all doing well.

My oldest daughter, Elizabeth, both passed the Bar and gave me another grandson in November 2009. Busy month! She and her husband bought their first house in Oakland a couple of months earlier. She did not make it to her 10 year High School reunion, because she was in labor! I will be having a bit of a jolt come December, as she will be celebrating her 30th birthday.

My middle daughter, Alexandra, lives in Fortuna. She works as a bartender at an Indian casino south of Eureka. Her son, Jamey, is 6.

Catherine, my youngest, is a scenic carpenter/designer for the B Street Theatre in Sacramento. She recently moved in with her boyfriend, and she thinks he's "the one."

My last big dive trip was to Sint Maarten in May. Very amazing place to dive! Lots of large life: sharks, rays, squid. Totally cool!

Next trip is to the east coast (Georgia and the Carolinas) in December.

Next dive trip is late May/early June to Roatan, Honduras.

See you next time!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Terry Fator Show in Las Vegas

Kenn and I went to Terry Fator's show, and guess who got picked out of the 750-seat theatre to go up on stage! Watch!