Sunday, December 19, 2004

A good day to... laundry!

Did you know that the busiest shopping day of the year is also the least busy laundromat day of the year? I went yesterday evening, and there were about four other people in the entire place including the lady who works there. The only bad part is that once I finished reading my Cosmo, the only thing to do was to try not to watch a R-E-A-L-L-Y, R-E-A-L-L-Y, R-E-A-L-L-Y bad Chevy Chase Christmas movie that was blaring in the corner.

My Accordion Works rehearsal that was scheduled for today was cancelled. Again. I'm getting kind of worried that the group is falling apart. There were only seven of us at the last rehearsal, down from a high of eighteen. I'm going to put my thinking cap on and try to come up with some ideas. Know anyone (besides me) who plays accordion? We are talking about branching into polkas. Wild and crazy idea, huh?

The HR department (which I'm a part of) is having its Christmas Party tomorrow. Actually, it's a Christmas lunch. We're going to a nice local restaurant and will be having an ornament exchange. I interpreted "ornament" loosely, and bought a basketish thing with a Santa head and arms and legs that I'm going to fill with chocolate goldpieces. What are those called? Geld?

It's really cold and damp here. We've had fog for about a year this week. As Cat says, it's the Central Valley version of a white Christmas. The only time yesterday I was truly warm was about 30 minutes after I went to bed. It's just about as bad today. I keep stopping to sit on my fingers to warm them up between paragraphs!

Cat's going to have dinner with a friend tonight at the Frog. I haven't figured out what I'm going to do. Probably wrap Cat's and Liz's birthday presents for tomorrow! Maybe I'll get wild and crazy and actually get them cards, for a change. Not instead of gifts, but to go with the gifts. I know K's gotten them cards to go with his gift, which is the dinner we're having tomorrow evening.

I updated my AOL this afternoon -- took a couple of hours, but now everything is running much faster. I also FINALLY fixed the problem I've had for months and months and months that was freezing my computer up every night. That's why I've just been shutting down every evening and rebooting in the morning. It turned out to be a really dumb and obvious problem. I actually had two virus protection softwares installed and whenever the one (AVG?) would try to do it's nightly check-up thing, everything would freeze up. I uninstalled AVG (duh!), and now everything is working smoothly. I left everything running overnight last night, and it was all still fine this morning. Go figure!

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