Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Silly Computer thing

When I came in this morning, I couldn't get my computer to turn on. Something wrong with the switch, I think. I called IT for help, and the two help desk people are on vacation, so I was told the manager would be in around 8:30 and they'd send him over. When it was getting close to 9, I got impatient and started messing with it some more and actually got it to work. When I got it open, there was an e-mail message telling me that the IT manager wouldn't be in until the afternoon and they didn't have a PC to loan me, so maybe I could use someone else's. The silly thing is it didn't even occur to the girl I talked to that if I couldn't turn on my PC, how in the world could I check my e-mail?

I just thanked her for her help and let her know I'd solved the problem.

1 comment:

kolors said...

That reminds me of a Dilbert cartoon; Dilbert asked this guy for help since he couldn't get online, and the guy told him to send him an e-mail about it, and they just kept arguing through the whole strip until Dilbert was practically pulling his hair out.