Sunday, November 30, 2008

What the ...?!

My Christmas tree is missing. I'm serious. All I found was its empty box.

This is a 36" lighted artificial tree. Pretty hard to lose ... I guess I'm extra talented. I KNOW I had it last year, and I KNOW I put it back in the box! Sheese!

Bad news for me was good news for Lowes: I just went out and bought a replacement.

I'm turning into my parents. I can't even count the number of times over the years they misplaced something and then went out and bought another.

And who would steal a Christmas tree (and leave the box!), of all the stuff in my house? This makes no sense whatsoever.

On another note, all of those who know me should now sit down. I'm reading a couple of history books. For fun. History of the Inca by Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, and The Royal Road of the Inca by Victor W. von Hagon. Obviously, in preparation for next year's trip to Peru.

You may all stand back up again.

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